Dr. Velma May Brown



President, Law College of the Americas

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The Law College of the Americas (LCA) is a cutting-edge first-world educational institution situated in the heart of the Business District of New Kingston Jamaica at 2-6 Grenada Crescent, Kingston 5, Jamaica.

It is the only College of Law in the English-speaking Caribbean and it focuses on providing training and education in law to meet the changing needs of society. Our graduates will be equipped with the tools necessary to adapt seamlessly into any legal arena.



The Law College of the Americas offers Certificate, Diploma and Associate degree programs

The Directors of the Law College

The College was founded and established by Dr. Velma Brown in 2012 as Chancellor Law School of the Americas and was subsequently changed to the Law College of the Americas. Dr. Velma Brown, a graduate of the Mico University College (formerly Mico Teacher’s College), an Attorney-at-Law for over Twenty (20) years, and a former Resident Magistrate is the President of the institution and is supported by a team of professionals having the requisite skill set to solidify the implementation of the programs and advancement of the College while encouraging the development of sound values and attitude.

The Board of Directors are as follows:

  •  Mr. Courtney Wynter, MBA, B Sc, AMP, J.P. – Chairman
  • Dr. Velma Brown, PhD, M Sc, LL.B, B.A., Dip. Ed - President
  • Justice Marjorie Cole-Smith
  • Justice Algernon-Smith, JA Retired, C.D
  • Hon. Justice Roy Anderson, Retired, B.A., LL.B, LL.M
  • Dr. Fritz Pinnock, PhD, FCILT, M Sc, B Sc, MBIM, JP
  • Mr. Ryland Campbell, C.D
  • Mr. Jasper Lawrence, M.A, Adv. Cert. Ed, B.Ed.
  • Mrs. Claudette Crooks-Collie, MBA, B Sc.
  • Mr. Dialo Sterling, B.A. LL.B